Your own office 1-3 days per week, up to 75% cheaper than a full-time office
Permanent offices for your team with flexible contracts
Save up to 30% per booking with Hubble On-Demand monthly plans
The ultimate workspace strategy guide
The ultimate office cost calculator
Top locations with workspaces you canbook by the hour or day
Top locations with workspaces you canrent by the month
To meet and present
Desks in a shared workspace
For conferences and get-togethers
A room with desks and chairs
Entire offices to rent
Your own office 1-3 days every week
Where’s the best place to base a business in London? We can help you there. Consider us your local guides for areas with incredible offices to rent, cool restaurants and bars and great public transport links.
Having transformed the way people work in London, the coworking revolution is now shifting the landscape of Manchester. We’ve curated this list of 11 of the city’s very best coworking spaces,…
Tired of working at home but don’t want to get trapped in an expensive, lengthy office contract? Here are the cheapest options for office space in Manchester. Whether working solo, with a small or …
As you look at the skyscrapers and glass office blocks crowding the Manchester skyline, it’s easy to assume that the offices inside are more of the same we are all used to. Boring corridors, auste…
You may have heard about Great Britain’s North-South divide but what about the London one? Is it better to work north of the river or south? If you ask me, I’m going to side with the North and it’s…