The whole package. All business rates and bills are included in the price you see. No hidden rates or ridiculously-small-print. Just a really flexible contract so you can move at lightning speed.
Some amenities might not be available with agreements under four days per week. Please speak to one of our workspace advisors for more details.
IncludedThe whole package. All business rates and bills are included in the price you see. No hidden rates or ridiculously-small-print. Just a really flexible contract so you can move at lightning speed.
Some amenities might not be available with agreements under four days per week. Please speak to one of our workspace advisors for more details.
IncludedThe whole package. All business rates and bills are included in the price you see. No hidden rates or ridiculously-small-print. Just a really flexible contract so you can move at lightning speed.
Some amenities might not be available with agreements under four days per week. Please speak to one of our workspace advisors for more details.
IncludedThe whole package. All business rates and bills are included in the price you see. No hidden rates or ridiculously-small-print. Just a really flexible contract so you can move at lightning speed.
Some amenities might not be available with agreements under four days per week. Please speak to one of our workspace advisors for more details.
IncludedBlackfriars is community-minded from top to bottom, which is the key to inspiring new ideas and forging strong relationships. That’s why we’ve developed an environment that offers boundless opportunities for collaboration. The event space is a constant hive of activity, offering numerous talks, workshops and occasions for our digital and creative community to meet and learn. For times when you simply want to relax and socialise, our communal lounge and independent coffee shop offer the perfect space to enjoy time away from your desk, connect with other like-minded businesses and refuel your creativity.
This building also has offices, meeting rooms and coworking desks to book on-demand.
View on-demand workspaces