The whole package. All business rates and bills are included in the price you see. No hidden rates or ridiculously-small-print. Just a really flexible contract so you can move at lightning speed.
Some amenities might not be available with agreements under four days per week. Please speak to one of our workspace advisors for more details.
Included1 meeting rooms are available in the building free of charge
No extra cost - just book away!
Have the option to work in the sun (when it's out) - rejuvenate the mind
54 South Molton Street offers an exclusive and unique office location in the heart of Mayfair. Situated on a pedestrianised precinct and overlooking the vibrant boutiques of South Molton Street, this self-contained building has been extensively refurbished and restored to provide a premium workspace.
With unparalleled access to central London’s transport hubs, including Bond Street (2 minutes’ walk), Oxford Circus (6 minutes), and Marble Arch (9 minutes), it ensures exceptional connectivity. Designed for modern businesses, the property offers all-inclusive and flexible contracts covering building rates and utilities, along with in-house maintenance and IT support, a dedicated private and secure internet connection, communal meeting rooms, a phone booth, a communal kitchen, and an outdoor area.