Introducing: Office Search Alchemy

Hannah Watkins
Hannah Watkins|


The HubbleHQ Team are proud to present our new brand identity.

Introducing: Office Search Alchemy

For the eagle-eyed among you, you may have noticed that we’ve been undergoing some pretty cool changes recently. Most noticeably, we’re now pink – not purple. We’re officially called HubbleHQ. We have a fresh new logo, and we’ve got some awesome new illustrations.

But it goes much deeper than a new colour scheme and a slick new look. These features are all part of the new HubbleHQ identity: Office Search Alchemy. It’s been a while in the making, but we’ve officially rebranded. And we’re really excited for the world to see it.


Why the new look?

Over the past five years, HubbleHQ has evolved: we’ve grown both metaphorically and physically as a team, we’ve worked insanely hard to understand our customers’ needs, and we’ve expanded our capabilities further than we could have possibly imagined. We became, and are proud to be, the only platform to offer serviced, managed and leased options all in one place. In short, we’ve evolved, and it seemed only right that our identity reflected that to the world. That’s where Office Search Alchemy comes in.

Office Search What?

What we do is special, if we do say so ourselves… We put mountains of effort into creating a seamless and enjoyable office search process for every business, no matter what size you are. To do so, we’ve honed our expertise in three specific areas:

We’ve developed the industry’s most advanced tech platform, optimised to simplify and supercharge your search.

We distil millions of data points on spaces, places and cities to find the ideal match for your business.

Then we blend in unrivalled expertise – personal advisors who know everything there is to know about the world of office properties, guiding you through the whole process from start to finish.


Finding a way of summarising this pretty epic three-way formula was tricky. We needed a way of showing how our expertise takes the complexity and guesswork out of finding your perfect office space, and transforms your office search into such a great experience, that it must be supernatural.

That’s what Office Search Alchemy is: the perfect blend of tech + data + people. The formula that enables us to fulfil our mission to create a world where everyone has the right workspace to succeed.

It’s a science. But it feels like magic.


“A brand is not what you say about yourself, but what everyone else says about you” says our CEO and Co-founder Tushar. “For years, our customers have consistently said that our technology makes us the easiest place to search; that we’re the most transparent platform with the most real-time data on the market and that our expert advisors are super knowledgable in helping and securing their new space.

So, we decided to take these insights and try and communicate them in a really easy to understand way and add some personality to the relatively boring office market. Office Alchemy was the result. Not only does our new brand represent what we already stand for, but also gives us an incredible platform to keep innovating in this sector, blending technology, data and advice to deliver the perfect office match for all of our customers.”

Totally transparent, office-obsessed, full of surprises

Office Search Alchemy is more than just a tagline – it’s embedded in the HubbleHQ personality. To make good on our promises, we know that we’ve got to live and breathe our brand, both internally and with our customers. That’s why we pride ourselves on being:

  • Totally transparent – in our product, our processes, and our language
  • Obsessed with offices, and do everything in our power to find you the right one
  • And full of surprises. Which we can’t tell you about. Because that would ruin them.

There’s nothing new. We just have a new way of showcasing who we are, what we do, and why we do it.

Onwards and upwards

We couldn’t have done it alone. We were fortunate enough to have the incredible expertise of branding agency Onwards – who have also worked their magic for innovators such as Manual, Atomico, and Spoke – at our side from start to finish.

It was a real pleasure to work with their team. They broke down exactly what it is that makes HubbleHQ unique, and their ability to then translate this into a truly unique identity, both conceptually and visually, was second-to-none.

“Hubble use the industry’s best technology and data to make the painful office search process magically simple’ says Emily, Creative Strategy Director at Onwards. “We wanted to build a brand that brought this experience to life, and reflected their unique personality. Together, we’ve created a brand that’s smart but simple, professional but playful, and sets them apart in a traditional sector.”

Have you met Heidi yet?

To celebrate our brand new identity, we’re kicking things off in style.

Hubble tube blog

From today, you’ll start seeing our brand new campaign all over the tube network. Front and (not quite) centre: our awesome new HubbleHQ ambassador – affectionately known as Hubble Heidi – depicting the automagical concept for commuters and travellers across the city.

Already seen us? Tag us on Instagram @hubblehq and we’ll be sending the best entry some seriously slick new swag.

Ready to get started?

It’s all well and good talking about it, but now it’s time to show that we really do practice what we preach. Find your perfect office in the click of a finger – literally:



Get free expert help with your office search

Our friendly advisors can recommend the best offices, schedule viewings and negotiate discounts, making your office search hassle-free.

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+44 20 3966 6804