The whole package. All business rates and bills are included in the price you see. No hidden rates or ridiculously-small-print. Just a really flexible contract so you can move at lightning speed.
Some amenities might not be available with agreements under four days per week. Please speak to one of our workspace advisors for more details.
IncludedThe whole package. All business rates and bills are included in the price you see. No hidden rates or ridiculously-small-print. Just a really flexible contract so you can move at lightning speed.
Some amenities might not be available with agreements under four days per week. Please speak to one of our workspace advisors for more details.
IncludedThe whole package. All business rates and bills are included in the price you see. No hidden rates or ridiculously-small-print. Just a really flexible contract so you can move at lightning speed.
Some amenities might not be available with agreements under four days per week. Please speak to one of our workspace advisors for more details.
IncludedThe whole package. All business rates and bills are included in the price you see. No hidden rates or ridiculously-small-print. Just a really flexible contract so you can move at lightning speed.
Some amenities might not be available with agreements under four days per week. Please speak to one of our workspace advisors for more details.
IncludedThe whole package. All business rates and bills are included in the price you see. No hidden rates or ridiculously-small-print. Just a really flexible contract so you can move at lightning speed.
Some amenities might not be available with agreements under four days per week. Please speak to one of our workspace advisors for more details.
Included2 meeting rooms are available in the building at a cost of from £20 per hour
Award-winners at the Flexible Space Association for excellence in Customer Service
Thursby House offers affordable office space in the Wirral. Our elegant serviced office spaces are beautifully finished in a modern, contemporary style to perfectly enhance your business. Thursby caters to all sizes of business from 2 people upwards, A warm welcome awaits you at this award-winning centre in Bromborough on the Wirral Peninsula.
Thursby House is a modern office building with 20 serviced and professionally managed executive office suites, ranging from 100ft to 1500 ft. The Business Centre hosts an impressive central reception area, meeting rooms, a private lounge and the latest telecoms and internet technology. Secure parking for both you and your visitors is also included in the package. The meeting room is perfect for business meetings and team updates.
This building also has offices, meeting rooms and coworking desks to book on-demand.
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