The whole package. All business rates and bills are included in the price you see. No hidden rates or ridiculously-small-print. Just a really flexible contract so you can move at lightning speed.
Some amenities might not be available with agreements under four days per week. Please speak to one of our workspace advisors for more details.
IncludedThe whole package. All business rates and bills are included in the price you see. No hidden rates or ridiculously-small-print. Just a really flexible contract so you can move at lightning speed.
Some amenities might not be available with agreements under four days per week. Please speak to one of our workspace advisors for more details.
IncludedThe whole package. All business rates and bills are included in the price you see. No hidden rates or ridiculously-small-print. Just a really flexible contract so you can move at lightning speed.
Some amenities might not be available with agreements under four days per week. Please speak to one of our workspace advisors for more details.
IncludedThe whole package. All business rates and bills are included in the price you see. No hidden rates or ridiculously-small-print. Just a really flexible contract so you can move at lightning speed.
Some amenities might not be available with agreements under four days per week. Please speak to one of our workspace advisors for more details.
IncludedThe whole package. All business rates and bills are included in the price you see. No hidden rates or ridiculously-small-print. Just a really flexible contract so you can move at lightning speed.
Some amenities might not be available with agreements under four days per week. Please speak to one of our workspace advisors for more details.
IncludedThriving nightlife and bijou boutiques beckon – if you can bear to leave your Residents’ garden, roof terrace and sun-drenched atrium.
Fora is known for inspired, tailored workspaces that drive productivity for their clients (known as Residents), boosting both professional and personal wellbeing. Outside at Fora Spitalfields, there’s a landscaped Residents’ garden and fourth-floor terrace with captivating views of London��s skyline. Perfect for lunch – or team meetings with a difference. Inside, soaring windows in the conservatory make this an impressive space to collaborate or welcome visitors.
Located at the cross-section of the city and Shoreditch, you get the best of both worlds here. Shoreditch High Street and Liverpool Street stations are mere minutes away by foot.