The whole package. All business rates and bills are included in the price you see. No hidden rates or ridiculously-small-print. Just a really flexible contract so you can move at lightning speed.
Some amenities might not be available with agreements under four days per week. Please speak to one of our workspace advisors for more details.
Not IncludedThe whole package. All business rates and bills are included in the price you see. No hidden rates or ridiculously-small-print. Just a really flexible contract so you can move at lightning speed.
Some amenities might not be available with agreements under four days per week. Please speak to one of our workspace advisors for more details.
IncludedThe whole package. All business rates and bills are included in the price you see. No hidden rates or ridiculously-small-print. Just a really flexible contract so you can move at lightning speed.
Some amenities might not be available with agreements under four days per week. Please speak to one of our workspace advisors for more details.
Included10 meeting rooms are available in the building at a cost of from £60 per hour
Based in the Kings Cross development is a building you cannot miss, with its circular pillars towering over Kings Cross and St Pancras Station. The location offers great transport links through 2 stations, hundreds of bars, cafes and restaurants. The building itself has private office space available to rent and meeting rooms alongside plenty of breakout space.